Association of European Election Officials (ACEEEO)

Address: Vas u. 6. 1/7/A, H-1088 Budapest, Hungary
Phone/Fax: 00 36 1 786 8298
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We are gladly announcing our Third Online Symposium on Elections in Times of Epidemic, a closing event before the Summer reaches us with all its felicity. The Symposium gives an opportunity to have a follow-up on the very recent Polish and Serbian elections, which have been discussed at the earlier events. Moreover, as an outlook to the theme of our annual conference, communications in the pandemic will be also... Read more

Disruption in elections is not a new phenomenon, because EMBs organized elections among challenging circumstances in post-conflict situations, natural disasters, and even pandemics before. But since the COVID-19 pandemic went worldwide, new challenges arose which should be discussed by professionals in order to be able to make the most appropriate decision. There is no unique formula with a tested script... Read more

As ACEEEO’s primary goal is to promote the institutionalization and professionalization of democratic procedures in the ACEEEO region, it is our mission to facilitate a meaningful discussion on elections in times of epidemic and provide alternatives, when it is needed.

After having analyzed the most up-to-date materials of our partners, we... Read more

The Electoral Management Bodies of the ACEEEO commemorated the Global Elections Day for the 15th time on 6 February 2020.

On the occasion of the Global Elections... Read more

This year the ACEEEO Annual Conference was hosted by the Central Election Commission of Slovenia and took place in the heart of the beautiful Ljubljana on the 24-26 September. With the participation of more than 120 election experts from all around the world, the topics of ‘judicial protection of electoral rights’ on the one hand, and ‘transparency of elections’ on the other have... Read more

The ACEEEO and the State Election Commission of Slovenia coorganizes the 28th Annual Conference and General Assembly meeting of the ACEEEO, which will be held on 24-26 September 2019, in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

In this year we intend to discuss the topic of ‘Judicial protection of electoral rights and the transparency of elections’ with the active participation of about 150 various... Read more

The ACEEEO Executive Board has held its annual meeting on the 7 March in Ljubljana, Slovenia. During the meeting the Secretary General presented the Annual Report of the Association, including the financial report, as well as the implementation of the Strategic Plan. The Executive Board adopted several proposals related to the activities of the ACEEEO. Members also supported the SEC of Slovenia's proposal for the main... Read more

The Central Election Commission of Bulgaria and the ACEEEO Secretariat co-organized a successful General Assembly meeting and the Annual Conference in Sofia entitled ‘Conscious voters in the digital age’.

140 electoral professionals from 35 countries accepted our... Read more

The ACEEEO and the Central Election Commission of Lithuania coorganizes the 27th Annual Conference and General Assembly meeting of the ACEEEO, which will be held on 5-7 September 2018, in Vilnius, Lithuania.

With the active participation of about 150 various electoral stakeholders, in this year we intend to discuss the topic... Read more

15-16 May 2017, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

The Venice Commission together with the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) organized the 14th European Electoral Management Bodies (EMBs) Conference.
Ways of improving the functioning of electoral administrations was the main topic of the international conference... Read more
