The ACEEEO and the State Election Commission of Slovenia coorganizes the 28th Annual Conference and General Assembly meeting of the ACEEEO, which will be held on 24-26 September 2019, in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
In this year we intend to discuss the topic of ‘Judicial protection of electoral rights and the transparency of elections’ with the active participation of about 150 various electoral stakeholders. The 2019 annual conference focuses on the role of the EMBs and their dialogue with courts and other stakeholders such as voters and political parties to provide a sufficient level of protection of electoral rights. The conference also covers a wide variety of activities through which EMBs and courts can step up to protect these rights. Furthermore, the transparency of elections is being discussed from the perspective of the EMBs who communicate with citizens throughout the electoral process and this plays an important role in maintaining trust in elections.
Please visit our conference page, where you can find all the relevant information: the Conference Concept Paper, the Draft Agenda and other Practical Information.
Continuing the long-lasting tradition, the ACEEEO Conference gives opportunity to the electoral officials to learn about the recent developments in the field of electoral technology. In the frame of the Exhibition, commercial companies producing electoral solutions will present their products to the participants of the event, focusing on the protection of voters’ information; the securing technology of the voting process from a cyber-security perspective; the communication of trust towards voters; and the importance of preventing fraud.