Global Summit for Democracy 2022 - European Regional Forum
8-9 June 2022 - Budapest, Hungary
Zsolt Szolnoki, Secretary General of the former ACEEEO underlined that election practitioners has to work constantly for free and fair elections and in these troublesome times the meaningful dialogue is needed more than ever. Therefore, the Global Summit for Democracy is deemed an excellent opportunity to strengthen cooperation between election officials and jointly find comprehensive solutions to the great challenges democratic regimes face nowadays.
Registration: The ACEEEO Secretariat is closing the registration on 3 June. Therefore, we encourage all the interested – in particular those intending to participate in person – to fill the registration form before this deadline. Please find the registration form on the bottom of the conference webpage or directly at the registration page.
Updated Agenda: The Forum's Agenda features high-level speakers representing Academia, International Organizations and Election Management Bodies:
- Welcome and topical introduction
- Zsolt Szolnoki, ACEEEO
- Lorenzo Cordova, National Electoral Institute (INE) of Mexico
- Keynote lectures
- Zsolt Enyedi, Democracy Institute, Central European University
- Sabra Bano, Gender Concerns International
- Maria Diaz Crego, European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS)
- The role of citizenship training and civic education in the rescue of democratic values, institutions, and practices
- Dániel Oross, Centre for Social Sciences Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence
- Seung Ryeol Kim, A-WEB
- Anette Fath-Lihic & Jarek Domanski, EU
- Gio Kobakhidze, IFES
- Representative of OSCE/ODIHR (TBC)
- Threats of populism to democracy and elections
- Emese Szilágyi, Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence
- Daniel Smilov, University of Sofia
- Susi Dennison, European Council on Foreign Relations
- Filip Pazderski, Institute of Public Affairs, Poland
- Integrity of elections and electoral legislation in Europe
- Pippa Norris, University of Harvard
- Pierre Garrone, Venice Commission
- Sarah Birch, Kings’s College London
- Michael Pinto-Duschinsky, International Political Science Association
- Democracy, digital platforms, and freedom of expression – the European perspective
- Representative of International IDEA (TBC)
- Bernát Török, University of Public Service, Hungary
- Paul DeGregorio, Election Expert
- Laura Matjošaitytė, Election Expert
- Eric Fey & Brianna Lennon, Election Experts
Please find further details at the conference webpage.
Venue: The Regional Forum will be a hybrid event. The venue of the traditional physical gathering is provided by the Central European University (Auditorium B, 15 Nador str., 1051 Budapest, Hungary). The technical detils for virtual attendance will be sent by the Secretariat to registered participants two days before the Forum.
Side-event: Discussion about the possibilities of institutionalized cooperation between European EMBs and election officials (9 June 2022, 11:25–13:25). Following the armed aggression on behalf of Russia and Belarus, members of the ACEEEO decided to dissolve the organization. The Regional Forum provides a great opportunity for electoral stakeholders from Europe to gather and discuss the possibilities of institutionalized cooperation between European EMBs and election officials.
Global Summit for Democracy 2022
Global Summit for Democracy 2022 has been launched by the convening organizations on 18 May. The National Electoral Institute of Mexico (INE Mexico) published a special digital publication on the occasion of the launching of this initiative. The recording of the event is available at https://youtu.be/hIjSWhWMRG0.
We are happy to share also that the Regional Forums of the Summit for Electoral Democracy will be organized as follows:
- Europe: June 8-9
- America: June 28-30
- Asia: first half of July
- Africa: July 25-26
- North of Africa y Middle East: August 24-25
The convening organisations of the Global Summit for Democracy 2022 cordially invite all the interested researchers and practitioners to join the Regional Forums and take active part in the meaningful discussion on timely topics of elections and democracy. For further details please visit: https://www.ine.mx/cumbre-de-la-democracia-electoral/.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at aceeeo@aceeeo.org.