3 February 2022, 14.00-17.00 CET – Online event
Only 4 days left until the Global Elections Day Summit 2022.
The GED Summit will be organized on 3 February, at 14.00-17.00 CET in the virtual space.
The list of participating countries and international organizations is quite representative. Election Management Bodies from 28 countries, namely Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Republic of Moldova, Mexico, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Nepal, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Somalia, South Africa, Sweden, Ukraine, United States of America, United Kingdom and Uzbekistan already confirmed their participation at the Summit. Furthermore, representatives of most of the prominent international organizations such as A-WEB, EISA, European Commission, European Parliament, IFES, International IDEA, IPA CIS, Gender Concerns International, OSCE/ODIHR, Quito Protocol, Tikal Protocol, UNIORE, UNSOM, and the Venice Commission, expressed their wish to speak at the event.
Now the time arrived to share also the Agenda of the Summit with the speakers included in their respective panels.
Agenda of the Summit
14.00-14.10 - Welcome and introduction (ACEEEO)
- Zsolt Szolnoki, Secretary General, ACEEEO
- Zsombor Vajda, Vice-President, Permanent Electoral Authority of Romania, representing the Presidency of ACEEEO
14.10-15.00 - Asia and Australia
Moderator: Zsolt Szolnoki, Secretary General, ACEEEO
- Seung Kim, Advisor to the Secretary General, A-WEB
- Bakhrom Kuchkarov, Deputy Chairman, Central Election Commission of Uzbekistan
15.00-16.00 - Africa and Europe
Moderator: Zsolt Szolnoki, Secretary General, ACEEEO
- Goré Justin Doua, Chief of Party for STEP programme, EISA
- Ivan Mushket, Deputy Head of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat – Director of the IPA CIS IIMDD
- Sabra Bano, Director, Gender Concerns International
- Pierre Garrone, Secretary, Council for Democratic Elections, Venice Commission
- Marybelle Cherfan, Program Coordinator, Master in Electoral Policy and Administration (MEPA)
- Giorgi Kalandarishvili, Chairperson, Central Election Commission of Georgia
- Laura Matjošaitytė, Election expert and former Chairwoman of the Central Electoral Commission of Lithuania
- Rokas Stabingis, Head of Law and Investigation Unit, Central Electoral Commission of Lithuania
- Doina Bordeianu, Director, Centre for Continuous Electoral Training, Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Moldova
- Zsombor Vajda, Vice-President, Permanent Electoral Authority of Romania
- Valéry Shyrokov, Electoral field coordinator, Baidoa (Baydhabo), United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM)
- Bill Werngren, Director, City of Gothenburg Election Committee; Vice President, iGO
- Oksana Boiarchuk, Member, Central Election Commission of Ukraine
- dr. Attila Nagy, Head, National Election Office of Hungary
16.00-17.00 – America
Moderator: Richard Soudriette, Honorary Member, ACEEEO
- Anthony Banbury, President and CEO, IFES
- Ricardo Blanco Herrera, Judge, Electoral Court of Chile, Quito Protocol
- Andrés Tagle Domínguez, President of the Electoral Service of Chile (SERVEL), Quito Protocol
- Gabriel Aguilera, Judge, Supreme Electoral Tribunal of Guatemala, Tikal Protocol
- Jose Thompson, Executive Director, Inter-American Institute of Human Rights; Executive Secretary, UNIORE
- Lorenzo Córdova, Councilor President, National Electoral Institute of Mexico (INE)
- Manuel Carrillo Poblano, Head of the International Affairs Unit, National Electoral Institute of Mexico (INE)
- Paul DeGregorio, Honorary Member, ACEEEO
- David Levine, Elections Integrity Fellow, Alliance for Securing Democracy, German Marshall Fund of the United States
- Tammy Patrick, Senior Advisor, The Democracy Fund
- Eric Fey, Director of Elections, St. Louis County
17.00 - End of the summit
The aim of the Summit
The aim of the Global Elections Day (GED) is to celebrate our most important democratic institution – elections. GED was initiated by the GEO/ACEEEO conference in 2005, and we are proud that in the past decades it evolved into a tradition, a real celebration organized in democracies throughout the ACEEEO region by EMBs and other electoral stakeholders on the first Thursday of February.
The goals of the GED Summit 2022 which is organized on 3 February are:
- to celebrate elections, a cornerstone of democracy;
- to acknowledge election officials, working relentlessly as guards of the democracy;
- to demonstrate the unity of the election officials from all over the globe;
- to show the diversity of elections;
- to support the exchange of best practices among the election management bodies; and
- to provide guidance to the voters.
Each speaker will be allotted a maximum of 4 minutes to share ideas.
During their interventions speakers will:
- address messages to the election community, underlining their commitment to values related to elections;
- present best practices from particular election systems;
- address challenges they face; or
- make short statements related to elections.
Please note that the registration deadline is over, however, if you don’t want to miss one of the biggest electoral events of 2022, please send an e-mail to aceeeo@aceeeo.org.
The Global Elections Day Summit 2022 will be available for the registered participants on Zoom platform but also will be srteamed on YouTube.
For further reference please visit the dedicated page at https://aceeeo.org/en/projects/global-elections-day as well as follow all the updates at www.facebook.com/aceeeo (#GlobalElectionsDay).