Launch of the Global Summit for Democracy 2022
It is our great pleasure to inform our esteemed Colleagues that Global Summit for Democracy 2022 has been launched by the convening organizations.
The leaders and representatives of the prominent International Organizations, Electoral Associations and Electoral Management Bodies contributed to the most important aspects of the upcoming series of regional events. Participants from INE Mexico, International IDEA, OAS, Kofi Annan Foundation, Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, Former ACEEEO, Venice Commission, IFES, Intemational Republican Institute, Wilson Center’s Mexico Institute, EU, USICES, NDI, UNDP, A-WEB, UNIORE, Superior Electoral Court of Brazil and Election Commission of India shared their valuable insights about the Global Summit for Democracy. The recording of the event is available at https://youtu.be/hIjSWhWMRG0.
European Regional Forum
8-9 June 2022 - Budapest, Hungary
The aim of the Global Summit for Democracy 2022 is to develop a comprehensive and global process for the reflection, debate, and proposal on the great challenges democratic regimes face nowadays, in particular, those related to free and fair elections. As part of the global initiative, the European Regional Forum will accommodate a meaningful discussion between electoral experts on timely topics of elections.
Updated Agenda: The recently updated Draft Agenda of the conference features high-level speakers in all four topics:
- The role of citizenship training and civic education in the rescue of democratic values, institutions, and practices
- Dániel Oross, Centre for Social Sciences Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence
- Seung Ryeol Kim, Advisor to the Secretary General and Deputy Director of the External Relations Team, A-WEB
- Anette Fath-Lihic, EU Special Representative, Kosovo
- Gio Kobakhidze, IFES' Global Technical Lead on Civic Education and IFES Ukraine Deputy Country Director
- Representative of OSCE/ODIHR (TBC)
- Threats of populism to democracy and elections
- Emese Szilágyi, Centre for Social Sciences Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence
- Andrew Arato, The New School
- Daniel Smilov, University of Sofia
- Susi Dennison, European Council on Foreign Relations
- Integrity of elections and electoral legislation in Europe
- Pippa Norris, University of Harvard
- Pierre Garrone, head of the Division of Elections and Political Parties, Venice Commission
- Sarah Birch, Kings’s College London
- Democracy, digital platforms, and freedom of expression – the European perspective
- Representative of International IDEA (TBC)
- Bernát Török, University of Public Service, Hungary (TBC)
- Paul DeGregorio, Election Expert, Honorary Member of ACEEEO
- Laura Matjošaitytė, Election Expert, Former Chairperson of the Central Election Commission of Lithuania
Please find further details at the conference webpage.
Registration: Although registration remains open until 3 June, the ACEEEO Secretariat encourages all the interested – in particular those intending to participate in person – to fill the registration form as soon as possible. Please find the registration form on the bottom of the conference webpage or directly at the registration page.
Venue: The conference organizers are planning to hold a traditional physical gathering, but they will also provide all necessary online means for those who are unable to travel in Budapest. The venue of the Regional Forum is provided by the Central European University (Auditorium B, 15 Nador str., 1051 Budapest, Hungary). The technical detils for virtual attendance will be sent by the Secretariat to registered participants two days before the Forum.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at aceeeo@aceeeo.org.