In 1997, Central and Eastern European election professionals gathered to discuss current election issues in Moscow, Russian Federation.
In the scope of the 6th annual gathering plenary sessions and workshop discussions were devoted to the following themes:
Role of Election Administrators in Ensuring Transparent Election Processes;
New Tendencies in the Democratisation of Elections;
International Observation in Elections - Experience and Perspectives;
Role of Permanent Election Commissions in Assuring the Fairness and Transparency of the Election Process;
Transparency in Election Administration: What is it? How can transparency in the electoral process be fostered? How can transparency in election functions such as voter education, voter registration, ballot access, and NGO and political party involvement be developed?
The Role of Election Commissions in Enforcing Campaign Financing and Reporting Provisions: How can election commissions strengthen/implement relevant laws and create a transparent reporting environment? Who will benefit from transparency in campaign financing?